Author: Paul Cushing
Ambrose Spring Music Festival 2014
in Family-
It wasn’t a fancy program, but the kids came at it with excitement and pride anyway. Really, they were just showing some of the things they had been learning in class about music, but I love that even very young, they get them used to speaking and performing in front of others.
Loving The Spring Weather
in Family-
The clouds were scarce on Saturday. There wasn’t many things that we as a family HAD to do for a change. So we spent time with family and friends and just had an amazing day of relaxing and doing lots of random things. The kids played at the grandparents’ place and rode the 4-wheeler with…
From High Above
in Blog-
I love adventure. I jump at the opportunity to try something new and fun. When my friend offered me the opportunity to fly around town with him in a helicopter, I jumped on it. The helicopter is kept at a hanger at the Boise airport. The first few photos here are while he was in…
She Enters The Sport Of Swimming
She has been swimming for 3 or 4 years now. Until now though, it was for fun and safety. Now she is drawn into the SPORT of swimming. At her age and level, it’s still all about fun, not really competition, but I know how it starts. First she’ll win a few ribbons for participating,…
A Classmate’s Birthday Party At The Farm
Elizabeth was invited to a classmate’s birthday party at the Willows Edge Farm out in Kuna on Saturday. What a fun party idea. The girls got to ride a horse, pet the cows and sheep, and learn a little about the farm and the animals. They also did a little bit of face painting and…
A Fun Birthday Photo Booth
My beautiful little girl turned 7 this weekend. Holy smokes the time goes fast! As part of the party festivities, my wife and I planned a photo booth as part of the fun. My wife created all of the props and glued them to skewers and craft sticks. She also created all of the colorful…
Elizabeth’s Seventh Birthday Photos
Here are the photos from Elizabeth’s 7th birthday party. I hope you enjoy them. You’re welcome to download and share as much as you’d like. Credit is always appreciated of course, but I’m ok either way. You’re also welcome to share the link as much as you’d like, but you’ll have to share the simple…
Saint Alphonsus in Boise
in Blog-
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center is one of my controls customers. I don’t know if it is because I’ve been there a lot or because it’s just a striking building, but the Central Tower seems rather iconic to me. Here are a few random shots from during this week.
Awana Bible Quiz 2014
Our Awana club participated at the Annual Awana Bible Quiz this last Saturday. They did great, and of course, had all kinds of fun.
Valentine’s Day At The Vineyard
I had the pleasure of photographing a whole bunch of the couples at my church on Valentine’s Day this year. My wife and I are a part of our Marriage Ministry and got to help plan this year’s Banquet. The theme that was chosen was “The Love Boat”. I originally thought about creating a giant…
Another Trip Across Idaho
I made my way through Idaho once again to call upon some of my customers. As is often the case, I had with me my trusty camera. Here are my 3 favorites from the week.