Author: Paul Cushing
Snowshoeing At Redfish Lake
I went for a short day snowshoeing into Redfish Lake near Stanley, Idaho. I’ve been looking forward to it for a few weeks. I rose early, 4 am, and headed up through Banks, then Lowman, then Stanley, and pulled off at the Redfish Lake turnoff. I arrived at about 6:45 and the light had just…
Birthday Photobooth
The years march on. There are many evidences of the passing of time, but none so obvious as the aging of your children. And my precious little girl has turned 9. That means, that it’s been 9 years since I tucked her tiny little body into the car seat at the hospital for the first…
First Swim Meet For Jaidyn
in Family-
My niece Jaidyn was a part of her first swim meet last night. She did really well, and I think she’s hooked. [aesop_video width=”80%” align=”center” src=”youtube” id=”rHLXtfJb0a0″ disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”off”] [aesop_video width=”80%” align=”center” src=”youtube” id=”HwUbVCbCG-c” disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”off”] [aesop_video width=”80%” align=”center” src=”youtube” id=”RjxxVFjwOJo” disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on”…
Ambrose 3rd Grade Greek Olympics
in Blog-
The 3rd graders at The Ambrose School participated in a great Olympic Games today. What a fun time. The kids had so much fun. Me too.
Super Awesome Family Weekend Roadtrip
in Family-
As a family, we wanted to do a little adventuring this summer. This spring we talked about a few things and definitely wanted to see Craters of the Moon. Finally, we made some plans for this last weekend. They were actually pretty impromptu, but we had soooo much fun. It was quick though, so we…
Guys Camping Trip – Bull Trout Lake
in Personal-
Went for a little camping trip with some friends this weekend. In an effort to enjoy myself, which I did, I left my camera in the bag more than I normally would. The weather was just perfect. We hiked some of the most beautiful country in the world, and I did take a few shots.
DIY Soccer Goals
The kids and I wanted some goals for our backyard soccer games. I thought it would be a fun little project for us this afternoon. They turned out really nice, so I thought I’d share. The whole set, including the glue only cost $30 for 2 goals. The goal ends up being about 5′ wide…
Tiny Boxer
I wanted to try out a simple 2 light setup. I talked my little buddy into doing a couple of boxer shots with me.
City Cattle Drive
The Idaho Cattle Association turned 100 years old. How do they celebrate? Well, run some cattle up the middle of Chinden of course. 🙂 The event was short and sweet and I thought a fitting way to celebrate their centennial.
Cushing Reunion 2015 – Friday
I didn’t take many photos on Friday. Friday brought hugs and goodbyes and a little camp cleanup.
Cushing Reunion 2015 – Thursday
Day 4 of our Cushing family reunion in Donelly, Idaho.
Cushing Reunion 2015 – Wednesday
Day 3 of our wonderful Cushing family reunion.