We camped on the beach at Arrowrock Reservoir on Friday night. If you were in or around Boise on Friday night, you know the weather was… CRAZY. There were some moments we were watching the lightning and hoping the tent would stay staked in, but it didn’t rain too hard. While the wind wasn’t much fun, I actually loved the light show and the little bit of rain.
After about 9 though, things started calming down and we were able to make a nice fire and have s’mores and relax under the stars. The moon even came out and looked beautiful reflected in the ripples on the lake. It turned into a great evening.
Saturday was a whole new beautiful day. Robert and Christina dropped the jet skis in the water and we had a blast. Between playing on the jet skis, watching each other try to wakeboard behind it, or just playing in the water, it was a very warm and relaxed day. We nearly decided to stay another night, but the clouds were beginning to look ominous so we decided to pack it in.

On a technical note, these were all shot on my Sony a6400 using the MC-11 adapter and the Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II. It’s my first time using this combo and it was impressive. I was able to reach out clear across the reservoir and get some really sharp shots. The autofocus was spectacular.
What do you think?