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Bogus Basin Hike on Memorial Day

Our initial intentions were to hike at Boulder Lake for Memorial Day this year. Unfortunately, we got reports of snow on that side of the mountain that would likely keep us from making it to the lake. We weren’t about to let a little snow keep up from hiking, but we decided to change the location to avoid problems. We gave Bogus Basin State Park a try. I’d been there plenty of times in the winter on my snowboard, but never in the summer. The trail system is well mapped and the hikes are beautiful but not overly strenuous for the kids. There were quite a few pauses to let mountain bikers pass, but overall, it was still pretty quiet.

If you’re in Boise and need to get out for a hike or bike ride. The drive isn’t too long and the view is amazing.

You can pick up a map of the trails at the Simplot Lodge at the base of the mountain, or visit Bogus Basin’s site to download the map to your phone.

Just for fun, I took a few video clips with my iPhone too.

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