My friend Mark and I needed to get out of town and enjoy God’s creation with our kids. We planned on doing this for a while, but still were ill prepared for some of it. We rode up together in my Durango. It seated us all fine, but when you figure in the food, clothes, and equipment for all 6 of us, the space was seriously tight. We even ended up strapping a few chairs to the top.
We originally intended to camp at Edna Creek Campground, a little north of Moore’s Creek Summit. When we got there, the spots were full, so we backed up just a few hundred yards and found a spot at Whoop-Em-Up Campground. We were nicely nestled into the trees just a stones throw from the creek running through the woods. It was beautiful.
I think Mark and I both had a really enjoyable relaxing trip, but the kids seemed like they were in heaven. I heard them say “Best camping trip, ever!” repeatedly. They picked flowers, found bugs and birds, tried to fish tiny fish out of the streams, and hiked like little energizer bunnies.

I brought my kids camping in this area last year around this time. While we were out hiking, we came across this stump cut into a chair shape. Elizabeth remembered how cool it was and wanted to find it again and get pictures on it. So here we are, posing on the stump chair. Thanks to Mark for taking my picture, and for not telling how incredibly silly I looked in that pose. 🙂

What do you think?