Category: Blog

  • My Own 2021 Call To Action

    My Own 2021 Call To Action

    A historic year is over. 2020 is behind us. There were some terrible events and attitudes in society this past year. As a result, public perception seems to be that a putting 2020 behind us will also mean that we’ll also be putting the negative things to rest as well. The reality though, is that…

  • The Problem With Government

    The Problem With Government

    Let’s be honest. There’s not just 1 problem. But as I see it, the biggest problem is this: As soon as the government goes beyond protecting “life, liberty, and the freedom to pursue happiness”, it’s a giant game of generalization. It’s a futile effort to apply the same rules to everyone… equally… everywhere. The reason…

  • React and Third Party Scripts

    React and Third Party Scripts

    In many React projects, there often comes a time when you’ll want to integrate with a third-party service that uses their javascript. Maybe it’s an analytics or tracking service, or a data or graphics provider like Google Maps. Whatever it is, injecting the external script can be tricky at the component level. It’s easy if…

  • Box Of Beauty

    Box Of Beauty

    Box Canyon Springs is one of too many hidden gems in Idaho. When a thing seems oh so dry and pale and drear, you’d least expect that within lay a thing that you’d hold dear. If you explore and see what’s inside that draws another near, you just may find it’s full of life and…

  • Throwin’ Hay Bales

    Throwin’ Hay Bales

    I remember a time in my life when I dreamed of technology, modern everything, and the life of ease and fun. My how times have changed. And not. I still love some those to some extent, but the desire for what I want my life to look like has changed. As I mature, I find…

  • Pie Experimentation

    Pie Experimentation

    Over the years, I’ve enjoyed making cookies from time to time. I love the responses I get when people enjoy the delicious treats, and I love the homemade goodies myself too. Last year, ClickBank (the company I work for) had a pie making contest for Pi Day. So I tried something new and made a…

  • Permaculture


    I’ve desired a piece of land and a nice garden for a long time. We’ve also wanted chickens and goats and lots of other things that more property would support. It’s finally looking like that might become a possibility… more news on that to come. But while I continue to dream, I’ve been reading some…

  • Computer Security

    Computer Security

    Today has been filled with video training on computer security. It’s all very good material, and vital for our employees to know. In all of the videos though, I learned one thing that seems very important… all computer hackers wear a stalking hat and eye mask. So be on the lookout, and stay safe out…

  • Developer or Engineer?

    Developer or Engineer?

    I didn’t go to college to be a software engineer. Actually, I didn’t complete college at all. When I did go, my intent was electrical engineering. The problem was, I didn’t have scholarships and my grades sucked because I had to work so much to pay for the classes. Oh, and I was very unfocused…

  • Justice – Social or Otherwise

    Justice – Social or Otherwise

    I have mixed feelings when it comes to social justice. I know that God is just. Isaiah 30:18 says “…for the Lord is a God of justice, how blessed are all those who long for Him”. Social justice has gotten a bad name though. Lately, it tends to look like redistributing wealth, or fighting for…

  • Fried-Day Night

    Fried-Day Night

    We decided to try something new in our kitchen last week. We’d never tried deep frying anything before and thought it would be fun to give it a shot. My wife picked up a thermometer for putting in the pot of oil and we found some recipes that looked good. Honestly, I was nervous. Hot…

  • What Is Love?

    What Is Love?

    Love is a word that is used often in our culture. Many of us aspire to love well, and even more of us desire to be loved more than almost anything. Despite the myriad of songs, stories, and poems that try to explain what love is, it’s still hard to define. Is it a feeling?…