Category: Drawing
I Heart You Bot
in Drawing-
Here’s a cute little robot of a fella showing his affection. Drawn in pencil, then digitized on my iPad using ProCreate.
Don’t Ghost Me Bro!
in Drawing-
This is part doodle… part CSS animation experiment. What you see, is a still image (a PNG), animated with CSS. The shadow is just CSS too. Cool! As is often the case, this was drawn on my iPad using ProCreate.
Young Fella
in Drawing-
I was drawing this during church thinking it was pretty random. When I was done though, my daughter said, “hey, that looks like Pastor Brent, if he had a big nose”. It’s not what I was going for, but in hindsight, there’s definitely some resemblance. 🤣
Black Friday
in Drawing-
Does it strike you as strange that Black Friday is the day following our day of thanks? It’s almost like someone doesn’t want us to let our thoughts dwell on how good thing are currently. They would have us turn our minds to all the things we want instead. Black indeed. May this Thanksgiving pale…
Guy Looking Up
in Drawing-
This guy seemed like an excitable fellow that should stand at the bottom of a page looking up at some exciting text perhaps.