Category: Events
Another Sunday Morning Worship
Having been in the U.S. Army and a part of many other great organizations, I’ve been part of a great many good teams. None of them have I loved as much as I do our worship team at the Boise Vineyard. Lead by Andy Hendley, the team never fails to lead us into worship with…
Vineyard Christmas Service 2012
Here are a few pictures from the Boise Vineyard during our Christmas-Eve-Eve services.
Boise Night HDR Photowalk
I am a great believer in community. Google has recently launched its communities feature and I really like it. I received an invitation into a community of Boise Photographers last week. One of the community coordinators put out an invitation to have an HDR photowalk downtown on Thursday night, and at the last moment, I…
Friends Christmas Party
What is Christmas, if not a time to get together, act silly, and eat too much? Well here are some pictures of our Bible study group getting together to do just that. ( The items we’re showing off in the first few pictures are our “winnings” from our white elephant gift exchange. ) Becky took…
Morning Worship
I took a few pictures this morning of the guys warming up for worship at the Boise Vineyard where I run the sound system. Here are a few from the morning.
Ambrose Christmas Program 2012
Our daughter is in kindergarten at The Ambrose School. I absolutely love the heart with which they serve us and our children. The Christmas program this year was beautiful. There were a few rough notes from the string section in the orchestra, but that was hardly noticeable surrounded by the wonderful voices of hundreds of…
2012-13 Awana Grand Prix
“I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag which stands for the Awana clubs whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.” Along with the Pledge Of Allegiance to the American flag, that’s how we start off each event, and the Grand Prix is no…
Art In The Park 2012
We made it out to Boise’s Art In The Park today. I haven’t been to any of these in other cities, but I have to think that Boise has some of the best artistic talent around. As always, I love getting the family out to these community things and love seeing all of our fellow Boise folk.…
Church In The Park 2012
God seriously blessed us today with beautiful weather and amazing fellowship. I was really looking forward to today, both for the balloons and the free pancakes. I was reminded though, that I absolutely love our church. I feel loved and a part of something great, even though I’m a tiny part of God’s huge plan…
Spirit Of Boise Balloon Classic 2012
I invited some folks out for my first ever photo walk at the Spirit Of Boise Balloon Classic on Saturday morning. The turn out wasn’t huge. We had 7 photographers and their cameras. I brought some coffee and donuts and the morning was beautiful. The weather was perfect and the crowd was huge. What an…