Category: Events
Western Idaho Fair 2012
We made it out to the Western Idaho Fair once again. We had so much fun! Lot of fun photos too. 🙂 [nggallery id=15]
Feedin’ The Birds
My wife is backpacking. She has abandoned me with our kids to go off traipsing around the mountains with her mom and sisters. Mostly I’m just jealous that she’s spending some time in an incredibly beautiful area. While she’s gone though, I get to do some fun stuff with the kiddos. One of my go…
A Frankamp Beauty
Some friends of ours have THE BEST tradition during the summer. They have a really nice in ground swimming pool in their backyard and during the summer, they invite their friends over for potluck and swimming every Monday evening. It really is a fun time just relaxing and sharing a meal and swimming or just letting the…
Camping At Wallowa Lake
We went “glamping” this weekend. I’m calling it glamping because we really aren’t used to camping within 15 feet of other campers and within 50 feet of a restroom. While it was a little different for us, it really was nice. There was a great feeling of community among the other campers and the gondola ride up…
First DSLR Video
I take small video clips here and there but haven’t taken the time to edit any together to see how they could look. I finally gave it just a quick try and the results really do look great. What do you think? [su_button link=”” color=”#6e6e6e” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”1″ radius=”auto” target=”self”]Checkout My Youtube Channel For More[/su_button]
A Saturday With The Kids
I started out this Saturday like many of them. A lazy start with the kids rousing us up and wanting food. Always wanting food. This Saturday though, I didn’t have my day planned at all. That never happens. I’ve always got someone wanting my time or I’m trying to fit in the things I can’t…
Independence Day, 2012
The fireworks come out with their brilliant colors and beautiful lights once again. I’ve always wanted to capture the awesome images that fireworks give but seldom am able to make an image nearly as impacting as actually being there. This year is no exception. Our vantage point was amazing for looking over the valley and…
Thorn Creek Lookout
My dad invited me 4 wheeling on Saturday and we went up to the Thorn Creek lookout above Idaho City. We rode with Mike and Jan and it was a really beautiful day. I took a few pictures but they just don’t reflect all of the gorgeous nature that we saw. I just love this…
2012 Vineyard Men’s Retreat
We went to Living Waters Ranch in Challis Idaho. [nggallery id=8]
Bible Study Pizza Night
My wife and I share our lives with a small group of friends that get together once a week in Boise. Some of the nights we get together include a potluck or some sort of dinner. This Monday, we barbecued pizza, and it was spectacular. I brought along the camera because, well, it’s what I…
Candy Machine
Here is a fun shot from the Meridian Bowling Alley. I shot it quick so it is a little rough, but I liked the colors.