Category: People
Tiny Boxer
I wanted to try out a simple 2 light setup. I talked my little buddy into doing a couple of boxer shots with me.
Kelby Photo Walk in Boise Idaho 2014
I went out to the Kelby World Photo Walk in Boise this morning.
Rough Riding River Rafts
I shot some photos for a ministry in Banks last Saturday. On the way home, I stopped along the river long enough to take a few photos of the brave folks rafting down the rough waters of the Payette River. It looked like a ton of fun, and just a little scary. That last group…
Monochrome Self Portraits
I was stuck working in Pocatello this week. Once again I found myself killing time in a lonely hotel room, so naturally, I got out the camera to play. I’m a member of a Facebook and Google+ photography assignment group, and last week’s assignment was a self portrait. I was thinking about how I would…
Boise Burger Brawl
For those who hadn’t noticed, there is finally a building in what was once the big hole in the middle of town. It just so happens that the company I work for is doing the HVAC controls for the building. It’s a pretty big project, the tallest building in Idaho. The project is being run…
Incredible Inspiration – Naghmeh Abedini
We had the privilege of having Naghmeh Abedini speak to our church this morning. The wife of imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini, she has endured and continues to grow in faith and love through the ordeal. She has an incredible word of faith for us and you will definitely be impacted if you take a moment…
Meridian Spark-O-Rama 2013
I had the extreme privilege of taking some pictures for the AWANA Spark-O-rama yesterday. Also known as the AWANA games, this is an event that brings together clubs from churches all over the valley to play some fun games in the name of Jesus. I know the kids had a blast, my daughter included, and…
Another Sunday Morning Worship
Having been in the U.S. Army and a part of many other great organizations, I’ve been part of a great many good teams. None of them have I loved as much as I do our worship team at the Boise Vineyard. Lead by Andy Hendley, the team never fails to lead us into worship with…
Vineyard Christmas Service 2012
Here are a few pictures from the Boise Vineyard during our Christmas-Eve-Eve services.
Boise Night HDR Photowalk
I am a great believer in community. Google has recently launched its communities feature and I really like it. I received an invitation into a community of Boise Photographers last week. One of the community coordinators put out an invitation to have an HDR photowalk downtown on Thursday night, and at the last moment, I…
The Frankamp Family
My friend friend Megan asked me to take some pictures of her family last Sunday. Little did I know that she meant the whole family. As always, I learned a few more things about shooting pictures, using flash and directing people. I also continue to learn things about myself. That I’m really not good at…