Category: People
Some Photoshop Fun
I wanted to take a picture of myself in this hat really. My wife doesn’t like it and is giving it away at the first opportunity, but I think it’s cool. Maybe it’s just because I picked it up in Ukraine while I was there, or maybe because it’s just really cool. 🙂 Anyway, it’s…
Art In The Park 2012
We made it out to Boise’s Art In The Park today. I haven’t been to any of these in other cities, but I have to think that Boise has some of the best artistic talent around. As always, I love getting the family out to these community things and love seeing all of our fellow Boise folk.…
Church In The Park 2012
God seriously blessed us today with beautiful weather and amazing fellowship. I was really looking forward to today, both for the balloons and the free pancakes. I was reminded though, that I absolutely love our church. I feel loved and a part of something great, even though I’m a tiny part of God’s huge plan…
Western Idaho Fair 2012
We made it out to the Western Idaho Fair once again. We had so much fun! Lot of fun photos too. 🙂 [nggallery id=15]
A Frankamp Beauty
Some friends of ours have THE BEST tradition during the summer. They have a really nice in ground swimming pool in their backyard and during the summer, they invite their friends over for potluck and swimming every Monday evening. It really is a fun time just relaxing and sharing a meal and swimming or just letting the…
2012 Vineyard Men’s Retreat
We went to Living Waters Ranch in Challis Idaho. [nggallery id=8]
Boise Adventurer
We went for a little hike up to Tablerock this afternoon. Boise is an incredible place, particularly for a lover of the outdoors. The trail is a bit steep and long for just a casual stroll but the view is well worth a little effort. Here is a shot I took of a bicyclist checking…
Travis Shows His Muscles
Believe it or not, Travis, my son, can be a little hard headed. I know what you’re asking, how can Paul’s son possibly be hard headed? But it’s true. For the longest time, he refused to show off his muscles for me. In fact, he often refuses to let me take his picture. On this…
Weekend With The Cornwalls
This past weekend was really nice. We spent it relaxing at a cabin just off of Cascade Lake with some good friends. Dan & Jen invited us but also asked if I’d bring along the camera and take a few family pictures. I jumped at the opportunity and I think we came up with a…
Celebrate Recovery Boise
I helped set up for the Celebrate Recovery gang a little this week. What an amazing group we have. The people who help feed and pastor each other at Celebrate Recovery have hearts that are full of love and empathy and are so nice to be around. It’s great to see what God is doing…
The Cake Baker Strikes Again
Becky worked her magic once again and made a wonderful cake for Travis’ 3rd birthday party. This one was a little more simple than some of the past but it was exactly what Travis wanted and it tasted amazing, as always.