
Chargers 2010 Video

The end of the optimist football season has come once again, and once again, my brother-in-law Robert has asked me to put together a video of his son’s football team’s highlights for the year. This will be the 3rd year I’ve done the video for the team. All three years have had some similarities and some differences. The team had definitely improved over those years.

One thing that remains the same is that the deadline always seems to be tight. This year Robert and I went from 500 raw video clips to full movie in about 12 hours, all of which were after my bedtime. I don’t recall for sure, but my fuzzy memory tells me that the past years weren’t too different in that regard. In years past we’ve used Sony Vegas Movie Studio for putting it all together. This year however, there seemed to be a problem with some of the clips that was causing Vegas to crash. As a result we went with Adobe Premiere, which proved to be a much more elegant solution. Both managing the clips, putting the events on the timeline, and integrating with the little bit of Adobe Photoshop we used, made Adobe Premiere a better choice.

I’m happy we were able to put out a video for the kids again this year and look forward to more in the future. My only hope is that a preparation phase is included in years to come and the deadline gets just a little less tight. Here are the past 3 years videos.

2008 Season

[aesop_video width=”90%” align=”center” src=”youtube” id=”IB77OgXaw4E” disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”off”]

2009 Season

[aesop_video width=”90%” align=”center” src=”vimeo” id=”7288469″ disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”off”]

2010 Season

[aesop_video width=”90%” align=”center” src=”vimeo” id=”16151356″ disable_for_mobile=”on” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”off”]

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