I have some really great family. Both the family I was born into, and the one I married into are full of loving, talented and unique individuals. This weekend specifically was a great reminder of the beautiful family that I married into.
Atlanta, Idaho is a tiny mining town nestled in the shadow of the Sawtooth Mountains and has a population of about 35 people. The folks that operate the Atlanta Chapel don’t have a regular pastor, so, at least during the summer, they invite guest pastors to come and preach, and host them for the weekend. This weekend, and for 2 more during this summer, my brother-in-law, Robert is preaching. My family, Robert’s family, my wife’s little sister Jenny’s family, and their mom, all came together to spend the weekend and serve the small town. We rounded up a whole bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables to donate to the residents, since most of the people who live there don’t make it into town often enough to get fresh produce regularly. We set it up like a farmers market and let folks come and get whatever they could use. It was very fun meeting the town’s residents when they came around to get some food. We also had a pretty good turnout at church Sunday morning and had some great fellowship with the fellow believers.
The whole weekend was nearly perfect. We had safe travels, the weather was beautiful, and the church service was amazing. I am often proud to be related to and to know Robert, and his message on Sunday was no exception. He spoke about the word “good”, in the way God used it in Genesis to describe all that He had made. It was very impacting and I look forward to hearing the next 2 messages he gives.
As always, I took many pictures. We packed a ton of fun into a far too short weekend and I hope some of these convey at least a little of it for you.

What do you think?