I’ve used Canon cameras since 1996 when I picked up a Canon AE-1 at a second-hand store. When I got into digital, it’s been all Canon.
The need has come to invest more in video in my side business, and Canon video just hasn’t been cutting it for me. I finally pulled the trigger and bought a Sony a6400. The images are incredibly sharp and the 4k video destroys anything I get out of my Canon 80D.
The problem I’m seeing before me now though, is that Sony lenses are expensive. I also am only using EF-S lenses right now. So what to do? I did some research and found the Sigma MC-11 converter. For just about $250, I could use the lenses I already own on this beautiful Sony camera body. BestBuy.com’s listing even says it will adapt EF and EF-S lenses to the Sony body.
However, dig just a little deeper and you’ll find that it really is designed for Sigma lenses only, and EF-S lenses actually don’t even fit into the converter. Enter the DIY photographer.

It seems that a flange on the EF-S lenses hits the shroud within the adapter. The choice is to cut the flange off of all of the lenses, or remove the shroud from the adapter. Adapter it is. I pulled out my Ideal Brand #0 Phillips screwdriver and went to work.

I removed the 4 screws holding the metal ring in place. They were relatively tight, but with some solid pressure, they came loose without any stripping or problems.

The metal ring came off easily, as well as the spring steel ring below it.

Next I removed the black screws holding the black shroud in place. Once the screws were removed, the shroud came off with just a little pressure revealing the electronics below.

I put the black screws back in place so they wouldn’t get lost. You never know, I may want to put the shroud back someday. Then I put the rings back in place and replaced its screws.

That’s all there was to it. Now my EF-S lenses fit just fine. As mentioned in other places, focus support is limited some depending on which lens you’re using, but I’ve found focusing for still photography to work well in all of the ones I own, and limited continuous autofocus in video.

It’s a little scary altering a piece of equipment I just paid a chunk of money for, but in this case, it turned out well worth it.
Since this modification, I used the MC-11 and my Canon 55-250mm EFS to shoot some family fun. Maybe the results will help you decide whether this is the right route for you too. Check it out at Beach Camping at ArrowRock.
What do you think?