I grew up firmly in the middle class. Definitely not wealthy, but certainly not poor either. We had plenty of toys and Lego to play with, but some of the best toys of my childhood were the ones my dad made for us. One of those toys that I look fondly back on were the Ninja Stars made of popsicle sticks. We didn’t usually have boxes of craft popsicle sticks like we tend to at our house now. We got to eat the popsicles, then they became deadly weapons. The best part was the way they exploded on impact.
Something brought back those memories this week, so I introduced them to my kids. I’ve seen a few more variations around, but our favorites are the 4, 5, and 6 stick versions.

Obviously, there’s a little bit of imagination required to see a ninja star here. Once you’ve thrown it though, and see it explode against the wall of the garage or your sister’s bicycle, you get it.
Have fun out there!
What do you think?