Tag: adventure
Steam Boat Gulch
in Blog-
This weekend’s activities included sledding at Steam Boat Gulch. With us went one of our favorite families to adventure with… the McNeese crew. The skies were a beautiful blue with scattered puffy clouds and the sun was bright and warm. We had an excellent day with excellent friends. While we had a wonderful time, there…
Jump Creek January
in Blog-
Travis and I ventured out to Jump Creek again. We’ve hiked here before but I think it was in Spring time and we weren’t certain how much water would be flowing this time of year. To our delight, it was a beautiful waterfall, even now in January. It has been a relatively mild winter, and…
Box Of Beauty
in Blog-
Box Canyon Springs is one of too many hidden gems in Idaho. When a thing seems oh so dry and pale and drear, you’d least expect that within lay a thing that you’d hold dear. If you explore and see what’s inside that draws another near, you just may find it’s full of life and…
Langer Lake Backpacking
We’ve done lots of camping over the years. My wife and I have even done some backpacking. As a family though, we’ve never actually gone backpacking together. So this weekend was a first for us. We got some of the gear we were lacking, mostly at REI, and off we went. We chose Langer Lake.…
Beach Camping on Arrowrock
We camped on the beach at Arrowrock Reservoir on Friday night. If you were in or around Boise on Friday night, you know the weather was… CRAZY. There were some moments we were watching the lightning and hoping the tent would stay staked in, but it didn’t rain too hard. While the wind wasn’t much…
An Outdoor Weekend
This weekend was spent mostly in the outdoors. We watched a movie in the field behind our church, we hiked into a high mountain lake, and we had church outside. I may have gotten a little more sun than usual, but totally worth it. Friday Night – Vineyard Boise Movie Night Each year, the Vineyard…
Willow Creek Campground
in Family-
My wife had an outing this weekend, so the kids and I want camping Friday night. We loaded up and headed past Arrowrock Reservoir to see if we could find a good spot. Willow Creek Campground is the first good one past the point where Arrowrock turns into river. The weather was gorgeous but hot…
A Horsethief Birthday Camping Trip
My wife’s mom had a landmark birthday this week and we wanted to do something as a family to celebrate. So we took to the hills to enjoy God’s creation together as a family. She wanted to camp at Horsethief Reservoir and the weather was beautiful. We ate s’mores every night and talked and giggled…
Adventure In Southeastern Oregon
There are times when I have adventure withdrawals. My mind loses the ability to focus on anything except exploring the unknown or climbing a new peak. This last weekend, I grabbed my buddy Mark and both of our kids and we went exploring. We learned that it’s not wise to blindly follow the Google Map…
Bogus Basin Hike on Memorial Day
Our initial intentions were to hike at Boulder Lake for Memorial Day this year. Unfortunately, we got reports of snow on that side of the mountain that would likely keep us from making it to the lake. We weren’t about to let a little snow keep up from hiking, but we decided to change the…
Snowshoeing At Redfish Lake
I went for a short day snowshoeing into Redfish Lake near Stanley, Idaho. I’ve been looking forward to it for a few weeks. I rose early, 4 am, and headed up through Banks, then Lowman, then Stanley, and pulled off at the Redfish Lake turnoff. I arrived at about 6:45 and the light had just…
Atlanta Idaho – August 2014
We spent the weekend in gorgeous Atlanta Idaho. I’ve traveled a little bit in my life, and I’ve seen some amazing places, but there are very few that can compare to the unspoiled beauty of God’s wilderness. Atlanta is a tiny little town of cabins surrounded by the wild river, green forest, and imposing and…