Tag: idaho
Super Awesome Family Weekend Roadtrip
in Family-
As a family, we wanted to do a little adventuring this summer. This spring we talked about a few things and definitely wanted to see Craters of the Moon. Finally, we made some plans for this last weekend. They were actually pretty impromptu, but we had soooo much fun. It was quick though, so we…
City Cattle Drive
The Idaho Cattle Association turned 100 years old. How do they celebrate? Well, run some cattle up the middle of Chinden of course. 🙂 The event was short and sweet and I thought a fitting way to celebrate their centennial.
Atlanta Idaho – August 2014
We spent the weekend in gorgeous Atlanta Idaho. I’ve traveled a little bit in my life, and I’ve seen some amazing places, but there are very few that can compare to the unspoiled beauty of God’s wilderness. Atlanta is a tiny little town of cabins surrounded by the wild river, green forest, and imposing and…
Hot Rods and Motorcycles
Travis and I went out to the 31st Annual Mustang and Ford show in Kleiner Park this morning. First though, we made a quick stop at the Yamaha shop on Fairview. Such a fun day with my boy. Tons of chrome and polished paint and shiny powerhouses. One of the things that really makes me…
From High Above
in Blog-
I love adventure. I jump at the opportunity to try something new and fun. When my friend offered me the opportunity to fly around town with him in a helicopter, I jumped on it. The helicopter is kept at a hanger at the Boise airport. The first few photos here are while he was in…
Another Trip Across Idaho
I made my way through Idaho once again to call upon some of my customers. As is often the case, I had with me my trusty camera. Here are my 3 favorites from the week.
Idaho Bull Snake
in Blog-
Norm Long and I found this little Bull Snake in the Idaho Power substation at Hemmingway Butte this morning. He was a cute little guy and didn’t seem to want to leave. 🙂
Landscape Across Idaho
Again I get the call like Batman and his red phone. On Semiconductor has things to control that need wired and programmed. I spring to my van and rocket across Idaho to Pocatello to do the job. The drive really is not an exciting one. The vast majority of the view seems to be straight…
Waterin’ Hole
I saw this old trough being filled a little too full on the way to Malta Idaho and thought it was interesting. I’m not sure if the valve was broken or there was a reason it was left on, but it looks like it may have been on for a while.
Panorama From Malta
I had another little jaunt to Malta Idaho this week. Most of the trip was covered in clouds and stormy, but the clouds did break long enough for a shot just before I left. This one is basically from the front door of Raft River Electric’s office.
Malta Idaho
Where’s that? It’s where the office for Raft River Electric is at. Raft River provides the power service to a pretty large area including south Idaho, northern Utah, and northern Nevada. They also are putting in some security in their offices, including card access readers that I had to go down to program for them.…
Work Trip To Ketchum Idaho
For work this week, I took a little trip up to Ketchum, Idaho. I was tasked with doing a retrofit of the controls on the hospital’s main air handler. Naturally, I had my camera with me. This is Soldier Mountain, I took it from the road on my way through the valley. The next few…