Tag: The Ambrose School
Earnestly Amazing
in Blog-
The Ambrose School’s high school drama students performed The Importance of Being Earnest this weekend. I had the pleasure of being able to take some photos of them for the production and the pictures turned out great! The costumes looked excellent, and their performance was stellar. I’ve never been disappointed at the plays I’ve seen…
Kindergarten Birds
The afternoon kindergarten class at The Ambrose School taught us about the birds we have in the area this morning. They each represented one of the birds and told us about them in the first person. The kids had so much fun. I think the masks actually make speaking in front of the crowd, some…
Egyptian Day At Ambrose
There are more reasons to love The Ambrose School than I could list. Certainly at the top of my list though, is the teachers. Every interaction that I’ve had with the teachers at Ambrose has convinced me that they honestly love God and my kids with every bit of themselves. They seem tireless in their…
Chess Tournament
The Western Idaho Scholastic Chess League’s tournament on Saturday, January 10th, 2015.
Ambrose ChiliFest 2014
The Ambrose Chilifest was a hoot, once again. Strangely enough, Elizabeth told me the day prior, that Chilifest was her favorite day of the year, well, right after Thanksgiving anyway. Each year the school gathers to meet many of the new families, eat, have fun, and raise money to help support the teachers during the…
Ambrose Back To School Picnic 2014
in Family-
My little boy finally enters school. I am of course conflicted. He’s so little and I love him so much as he is, I really would love for him to always be my little tiny ball of energy and excitement. At the same time though, I’m thrilled to see his huge amount of brilliance and…
Ambrose Spring Music Festival 2014
in Family-
It wasn’t a fancy program, but the kids came at it with excitement and pride anyway. Really, they were just showing some of the things they had been learning in class about music, but I love that even very young, they get them used to speaking and performing in front of others.
It’s For The Birds
My daughter participated in her first school exordium. Her class, the afternoon kindergarten, recited the 23rd Psalm and then presented the bird that they had researched. The kids were adorable and did a great job. I was of course particularly proud of my daughter, who spoke with clarity and boldness despite here nervousness.
Ambrose Christmas Program 2012
Our daughter is in kindergarten at The Ambrose School. I absolutely love the heart with which they serve us and our children. The Christmas program this year was beautiful. There were a few rough notes from the string section in the orchestra, but that was hardly noticeable surrounded by the wonderful voices of hundreds of…