Once again I find myself in Pocatello for work, and once again I stay at the Clarion Inn. It was once a Holiday Inn, and much of the building, including the indoor pool area, are very reminiscent of the Holiday Inn. I stopped for a few minutes before retiring to my room and took a few pictures of the place. This one is a 5 exposure HDR. The funny thing is how I processed it. The laptop I use isn’t a fast machine, certainly not Photoshop worthy even if I wanted to put Photoshop on a work computer. So I zipped the raw files and dropped them in a Dropbox. Then I logged onto my machine at home using logmein.com. From there I processed the shots into a single photo using Photomatix. That part was a little difficult since the image sent back over logmein.com is compressed and pretty ugly. So I sent the shot back via Dropbox and then tweaked the colors just a little with Picasa. It’s not an amazing shot, but it sure made some mileage. 🙂

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